Uninstall MySQL and Install MariaDB 10.7 on Ubuntu 18.04

While considering to install MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04 one should look into a couple of caveats – first, the Ubuntu 18.04 repositories contain the old MySQL version i.e. 5.7; second, people often prefer to move away from MySQL which is now controlled by Oracle Corporation and install MariaDB, which is the fork of MySQL and … Read more

Deployment of Laravel app on DigitalOcean / Ubuntu server

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to deploy Laravel 8 app on DigitalOcean droplet. This tutorial assumes that you have already set up the droplet server using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (any other Ubuntu version should do just fine) and installed MySQL, Nginx, PHP7.4 (Laravel 8 requires PHP 7.3+ version) along with Composer. And you’ve ssh’d … Read more