Dependent dropdown using Livewire in Laravel 9

In last couple of posts we used pure JS and Vue respectively in order to create dependent dropdown (dynamic select menu) in a Laravel 9 app. Now, let’s employ Livewire in Laravel 9 in order to achieve the similar results. For this article we’ll utilize the models and data created in a previous article. So, … Read more

Dependent dropdown using Vue in Laravel 9

In last post we used pure JavaScript with Axios in order to get dependent dropdown (dynamic select menu) feature in a Laravel 9 app. Apparently, the code seemed a bit of mess while using pure JavaScript to make Ajax calls and generate HTML elements on the fly. Now, let’s employ Vue as in VILT (Vue … Read more

Dependent dropdown using Axios in Laravel 9

In this article we’ll create dependent dropdown / dynamic select menu using Axios and pure JS in Laravel 9. For this article we’ll utilize the models and data created in a previous article. So, first follow the steps given there for creating models, migrations, and relationship and then continue from here. By following the above-mentioned … Read more