Invoicing app in Laravel 9 using VILT stack – part 2

We continue from Part 1 where we created controllers and views for Customer and Item models; now, let’s move onto Invoice model and get the real stuff done. If you happened to land here randomly, then first go through the following articles chronologically since these are the prerequisite before you proceed here any further: Having … Read more

Dependent dropdown using Vue in Laravel 9

In last post we used pure JavaScript with Axios in order to get dependent dropdown (dynamic select menu) feature in a Laravel 9 app. Apparently, the code seemed a bit of mess while using pure JavaScript to make Ajax calls and generate HTML elements on the fly. Now, let’s employ Vue as in VILT (Vue … Read more

Recursive relationship in Laravel 9 VILT app and Ant Design Vue Tree component

In this tutorial we’ll learn how to handle recursive relationship within database table in a Laravel 9 app. Recursive relationship occurs when a database table has self-referencing foreign key i.e., a record maintains referential integrity using the id of another record within the same table; database tables of categories, directories or staff hierarchy usually have … Read more

Ant Design Vue datatable in Laravel 9 VILT app

In this tutorial we’ll embed datatable functionality in a Laravel 9 VILT app using Ant Design Vue Table component. To achieve full optimization, sorting and pagination will be done at client-side while searching will be routed to server-side through Inertia.js in order to always have updated data. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of … Read more

Ant Design Vue multiselect in Laravel 9 VILT app

In this tutorial we’ll embed multiselect functionality in a Laravel 9 VILT app using Ant Design Vue select component. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, macOS or WSL on Windows and Node.js, Composer and PHP 8 along with required modules i.e bcmatch, sqlite, mbstring, … Read more

Ant Design Vue components in Laravel 9 VILT app

In previous tutorial we built a Vue3 based datatable from scratch within a Laravel 9 VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) app. For learning and basic usage purposes that datatable is fine; however, when we seek productivity, robustness and enterprise-grade look and feel we usually need professionally developed UI components. There are numerous Vue UI kits … Read more

Data-table using Vue3 Composition API in Laravel 9 app

In this tutorial we’ll build a data-table in a Laravel 9 app employing VILT (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, Tailwind) stack while using Composition API of Vue3. The data-table will have the field-based searching capability along with pagination and sorting. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, … Read more

Laravel – which front to choose?

There was time in webapp development when employing Bootstrap and jQuery at frontend were the most favored options. Then there were heavyweight JS frameworks like Angular, React, Vue to handle interactivity and making webapps’ UI reactive – this gave rise to SPA (Single Page Application). SPAs are actually webapps but behave more like desktop applications … Read more

File upload in Laravel 9 app (VILT stack) – Basic tutorial

In this tutorial, we’ll implement the basic capability to upload file in Laravel 9 app based on VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) stack. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, MacOS or WSL on Windows and Node.js, Composer and PHP 8 along with required modules … Read more