Laravel 10 CRUD app

In this tutorial we’ll create Laravel 10 CRUD app using default Breeze starter kit which comprise of Blade templates along with Tailwind CSS and AlpineJS. Laravel 10.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.1. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, MacOS or WSL on Windows and Node.js, Composer and PHP 8.1 along with … Read more

Dynamic input fields using Alpine

In this tutorial we’ll use Alpine.js in order to achieve dynamic input fields functionality. In previous article we used Vue to have the same functionality. Alpine is similar to Vue syntax-wise, however, it’s very lightweight as compared to Vue. Sometimes Alpine is regarded as modern replacement to jQuery and it forms an integral part of … Read more

Dynamic input fields using Vue

In previous article we employed jQuery to create dynamic input fields in an old fashion way. Let’s move ahead and use Vue to create the same functionality with modern syntax. Here we’ll use Tailwind along with Vue for managing look and feel. Remember this, incorporating Vue and Tailwind directly using <script> is not recommended – … Read more

Laravel 9 CRUD app using VILT stack

In this tutorial we’ll create Laravel 9 CRUD app using VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) stack. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, MacOS or WSL on Windows and Node.js, Composer and PHP 8 along with required modules i.e bcmatch, sqlite, mbstring, xml, zip, gd, … Read more