Laravel 10 CRUD app using VILT stack
In this tutorial we’ll create Laravel 10 CRUD app using VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) stack.
In this tutorial we’ll create Laravel 10 CRUD app using VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) stack.
In previous tutorial we built a Vue3 based datatable from scratch within a Laravel 9 VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) app. For learning and basic usage purposes that datatable is fine; however, when we seek productivity, robustness and enterprise-grade look and feel we usually need professionally developed UI components. There are numerous Vue UI kits … Read more
In this tutorial we’ll build a data-table in a Laravel 9 app employing VILT (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, Tailwind) stack while using Composition API of Vue3. The data-table will have the field-based searching capability along with pagination and sorting. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, … Read more
In this tutorial we’ll create Laravel 9 CRUD app using VILT (Vue Inertia Laravel Tailwind) stack. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, MacOS or WSL on Windows and Node.js, Composer and PHP 8 along with required modules i.e bcmatch, sqlite, mbstring, xml, zip, gd, … Read more