Setting up Nginx with PHP capability on MX Linux 23 (Debian 12)
In this tutorial, we’ll install and configure Nginx with PHP-FPM on MX-Linux 23 (Debian 12)
In this tutorial, we’ll install and configure Nginx with PHP-FPM on MX-Linux 23 (Debian 12)
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to install and manage multiple PHP versions on Debian 12 (bookworm) or any distro based on Debian 12 such as MX-Linux 23
It’s obviously cumbersome to enter all the data in the tables in your app for testing purposes. That’s where factories and faker come handy in generating tons of data on the fly. So, in this tutorial we’ll use factory and faker in Laravel 9 in order to generate fake / dummy data for testing purposes. … Read more
This article will highlight what actually matters right now and how programming languages landscape is shaping up in shorter to medium term. The article will only cover the real programming languages, therefore just set aside HTML, CSS, SQL, Bash / shell script etc. for a while. So, without further ado, let’s go! Here are top … Read more
In this tutorial we’ll create Laravel 9 CRUD app using default Breeze starter kit. Laravel 9.x requires a minimum PHP version of 8.0. This tutorial assumes that you are using Linux, MacOS or WSL on Windows and Node.js, Composer and PHP 8 along with required modules i.e bcmatch, sqlite, mbstring, xml, zip, gd, mcrypt are … Read more
In this tutorial we’ll use template capability of PHPWord library. Sometimes you just want to generate a document by changing few fields in it. In this case, using template is suitable than generating whole document programmatically. Let’s build a Laravel 8 app which outputs docx file using template. You can start by creating a fresh … Read more
In this tutorial we’ll use Spout PHP library to read MS Excel sheet and insert sheet’s data into database. But the first question is why Spout PHP library instead of ubiquitous PhpSpreadsheet. The simple answer is read speed. There is no doubt that for handling MS Excel or other spreadsheet files in PHP based app … Read more
In this tutorial we’ll look into using PhpSpreadsheet library, a pure php library to read and write spreadsheets including MS Excel. You can start by creating a fresh laravel 8 app by entering following command: Now install phpspreadsheet by executing the following command inside project directory: Next, setup database and Laravel environment file as usual. … Read more